Student clubs available at New Mexico Tech.
Clubs at NMT
Anyone can create a club here at NMT! Come search for a club that fits your interests! The websites listed may be out of date, so the emails listed are the most current and updated ones.
AAUW | nmt.aauwstudentclub@npe.drordi.com |
NMT American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) | aiche@npe.drordi.com |
American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) | aipgnmt@gmail.com |
Alpha Sigma Kappa | asketa1204@gmail.com |
NMT American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | asce.club@npe.drordi.com |
AISES | aises.nmt@npe.drordi.com |
ASME | nmt.asme@npe.drordi.com |
Animal Protection Club | apc.nmt@gmail.com |
Astronomy Club | astronomy.club@npe.drordi.com |
NMT Ballroom Dance Club | nmt.ballroomdance@npe.drordi.com |
Bangladeshi Students Association | |
Billy Aardd's Pool Club | |
Christian Challenge | christianchallenge@npe.drordi.com |
Cooney Mining | cooney.club@npe.nmt.com |
Cybersecurity Club | cybersecurityclub@npe.drordi.com |
Disability and Neurodiversity | |
Entrepreneurship Club | |
Environmental Engineering Club | enve.club@npe.drordi.com |
Gardening Club | gardeningclub@npe.drordi.com |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) | |
Indian Student Association | isa.club@npe.drordi.com |
New Mexico Tech Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IV) | newmexicotechiv@npe.drordi.com |
Language Learning | lang.club@npe.drordi.com |
Lunabotics | nmtlunabotics@npe.drordi.com |
Muslim Student Association | |
Physics Club | physics.club@npe.drordi.com |
Newman at NMT | newmancenter@mpe.drordi.com |
NMT Premed | |
QuASAR | nmtquasar@npe.drordi.com |
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) | sae@npe.drordi.com |
SAS | naseef.chowdhury@student.drordi.com |
Society of Creative Anacronism (SCA) | st.golias.club@npe.drordi.com |
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) | nmtshpe@npe.drordi.com |
Society of Women Engineers (SWE) | swe.club@npe.drordi.com |
Socorro Search and Rescue (SSAR) | ssar@npe.drordi.com |
Society of Technical Communications (STC) | tech.com.society@npe.drordi.com |
Strings 'n' Things | fiberarts@npe.drordi.com |
Tea Club | tea@npe.drordi.com |
TriBeta | tribeta@npe.drordi.com |
Waffle Club | waffle@npe.drordi.com |